One thing is absolutely certain about SEO, whether or not you’re using paid services: It’s going to be a time-consuming process. Cutting corners is not an option, because the wrong SEO practices are far more detrimental to your site than doing nothing at all. When time isn’t on your side, hiring an SEO professional is an option to consider.
It’s not at all unusual to hear about a company or web site owner that’s been scammed by a supposed SEO consultant who guaranteed them top placement in hundreds of search engines. Again, it’s just not possible for anyone, even an SEO expert, to guarantee that your site will appear at the top of search engine rankings. Nonetheless, many people claiming to be SEO experts will tell you they can do just that. Don’t believe them.
Only a few accreditation programs exist for people who claim to be SEO experts. In most cases, what happens is this: A web site designer or owner who has had to create a site for SEO decides he or she can implement SEO for others for a profit. However, just because these people have done SEO on their own sites doesn’t mean they can plan SEO on your site in the most effective manner possible.
One accreditation programs are offered, by SubmitEdge. Therefore, if the individual or SEO firm that you’re looking at to help with your SEO efforts claims to be an expert, ask if they have been accredited. In most cases, the answer will be no. You can contact SubmitEdge and request a Directory Submission, Article Submission, and Link Building Service.
In most cases, it will take a team of people to perform proper SEO techniques for your site. That team might include someone to submit your site to directories and search engines, someone to create and submit articles to other sources that will link back to your site, someone to design or supplement the design of your site to make it attractive to search engines, and someone to manage the whole SEO program from beginning to end, including reporting to you, the web site owner.
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Home » Archive for Juni 2010
Apa itu Spyware?
Spyware bukanlah spy yang membawa ember. Spyware juga bukan sepan yang dikewer-kewer. Konon, Spyware itu adalah sejenis software, atau configurasi software, atau software yang di konfigurasi, atau konfigurasi yang menggunakan software, yang tujuannya adalah untuk mengumpulkan informasi dari seseorang atau suatu organisasi, tanpa permisi.
Seringkali, yang dilakukannya hanyalah mengintip, sampai matanya bintit, giginya sakit, dan tingkahnya genit, ih... amit-amit. Tapi lain waktu dia juga suka iseng mengubah-ubah konfigurasi dari komputer yang menjadi korbannya, se enak perutnya. Yap, cukup kurang ajar memang. Selain itu, spyware juga dapat mengumpulkan informasi dari komputer user, dan secara teratur akan mengirimkan informasi tersebut ke lokasi tertentu (biasanya sebuah server).
Metode yang di gunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi ini mungkin berbentuk fitur yang menempel di web browser, atau control Active X yang bisa di download, plug-in dari browser, atau program yang berdiri sendiri. Adapun jenis informasi yang di kumpulkannya antara lain:
Diantara jenis spyware yang dapat mengubah informasi pada komputer Anda adalah scumware, yaitu sebuah istilah dari plug-ins browser yang dapat mengubah tampilan dari website (seringkali yang di ubah adalah banner dari website tersebut.)
Misalnya, saat Anda mendatangi sebuah website yang memasang banner dari, maka scumware akan mengganti banner tersebut dengan banner miliknya sendiri, sehingga banner dari scumware lah yang akan selalu Anda lihat.
Selain itu, scumware juga akan membuat hyperlink di dalam text pada suatu halaman web, yang jika di klik, akan membawa user ke website yang di iklan kan. Sebagai contoh, katakanlah Anda sedang melihat sebuah website dari seorang pedagang.
Maka scumware akan menyisipkan hyperlink pada keyword tertentu di halaman si pedagang tersebut (link ini hanya terlihat oleh komputer yang sudah terkena scumware) yang jika klik, maka akan mengarahkan Anda meninggalkan website pedagang tersebut, mungkin ke website yang jadi pesaingnya.
Biasanya melalui sebuah control Active X, scumware akan mengubah content dari sebuah halaman web, dan itu akan mengubah cara browser menampilkan halaman web. Nah, cukup menyebalkan bukan? Karena itu, berhati-hatilah terdahap spyware yang banyak berkeliaran di internet. Ingin tahu bagaimana dia bisa masuk ke komputer Anda? Tunggu kami di episode berikutnya!
Seringkali, yang dilakukannya hanyalah mengintip, sampai matanya bintit, giginya sakit, dan tingkahnya genit, ih... amit-amit. Tapi lain waktu dia juga suka iseng mengubah-ubah konfigurasi dari komputer yang menjadi korbannya, se enak perutnya. Yap, cukup kurang ajar memang. Selain itu, spyware juga dapat mengumpulkan informasi dari komputer user, dan secara teratur akan mengirimkan informasi tersebut ke lokasi tertentu (biasanya sebuah server).
Metode yang di gunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi ini mungkin berbentuk fitur yang menempel di web browser, atau control Active X yang bisa di download, plug-in dari browser, atau program yang berdiri sendiri. Adapun jenis informasi yang di kumpulkannya antara lain:
- Melacak website. Anda mungkin pernah mendengar istilah adware, yang banyak menganggapnya sebagai cabang dari spyware. Perusahaan marketing dan provider banner ad (banyak di antaranya adalah perusahaan yang sangat legal) menggunakan adware semata-mata untuk melacak website yang di kunjungi user dan mencari tahu apakah user tersebut berlangganan banner ads. Informasi seperti ini umumnya di gunakan untuk perusahaan marketing, yang selalu mencoba untuk memisahkan orang dari uang yang di milikinya. Akan tetapi, beberapa spyware bahkan lebih dari sekedar melacak website.
- Merekam penekanan tombol. Spyware yang seperti ini biasa di sebut dengan key logger. Dan key logger ini, di anggap spyware yang paling kejam, kelam, dan hitam.... jahanam! Karena, key logger ini akan merekam semua tombol yang di tekan-tekan maupun yang di pijit-pijit dan di injit-injit oleh user di komputer yang lagi muter-muter. Lalu mengirimkan hasil perekamannya tersebut ke pada si hacker yang masih bersaudara dengan si cracker. Itu berarti user yang sering melakukan online banking, dan ecommerce di komputer yang telah terjangkit key logger beresiko untuk kehilangan data-data sensitifnya. Misalnya identitas user, password, data kartu kredit, data bank, nama selingkuhan, dan lain-lain.
Diantara jenis spyware yang dapat mengubah informasi pada komputer Anda adalah scumware, yaitu sebuah istilah dari plug-ins browser yang dapat mengubah tampilan dari website (seringkali yang di ubah adalah banner dari website tersebut.)
Misalnya, saat Anda mendatangi sebuah website yang memasang banner dari, maka scumware akan mengganti banner tersebut dengan banner miliknya sendiri, sehingga banner dari scumware lah yang akan selalu Anda lihat.
Selain itu, scumware juga akan membuat hyperlink di dalam text pada suatu halaman web, yang jika di klik, akan membawa user ke website yang di iklan kan. Sebagai contoh, katakanlah Anda sedang melihat sebuah website dari seorang pedagang.
Maka scumware akan menyisipkan hyperlink pada keyword tertentu di halaman si pedagang tersebut (link ini hanya terlihat oleh komputer yang sudah terkena scumware) yang jika klik, maka akan mengarahkan Anda meninggalkan website pedagang tersebut, mungkin ke website yang jadi pesaingnya.
Biasanya melalui sebuah control Active X, scumware akan mengubah content dari sebuah halaman web, dan itu akan mengubah cara browser menampilkan halaman web. Nah, cukup menyebalkan bukan? Karena itu, berhati-hatilah terdahap spyware yang banyak berkeliaran di internet. Ingin tahu bagaimana dia bisa masuk ke komputer Anda? Tunggu kami di episode berikutnya!
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Outsourcing Web Hosting
As Web sites become more critical to the information infrastructure of companies, there is a growing need to provide high-quality, high-availability solutions. For example, a business selling something only online can’t afford to have its site go down at all.
The serving of a site to an e-business is as critical as power and telephone services would be to a traditional business. This trend might be termed the “utilization” of the Web, as some may consider the health and delivery of their Web site as important as other utilities like water and power.
However, given that the site must be run in a very efficient and reliable manner, firms quickly discover that it is in fact quite expensive for companies to develop in-house the talents and facilities to run a mission-critical Web site.
Therefore, many firms have decided to outsource their Web facilities. Web server outsourcing comes in many flavors, but many of the differences revolve around two factors. The first differentiating factor is whether your site is sharing a machine with other sites.
The second is whether or not the machine being used is owned and managed by you or the outsource vendor. Each type of service will be discussed in turn, with special focus on their pros and cons.
Usually, the URL for a site like this is of the form or The hosting service lacks any customization like your domain name (, and it may impose limits on traffic delivered or programming tools that can be used. The upside to these types of services is that they are often free or may be included in the cost of your Internet connection.
There are also many vendors who will provide free Web serving in exchange for personal information for marketing purposes, or if you agree to show banner advertisements, they book on your Web site. While these services are appealing to home users or those looking to put up a site for fun, most will prefer other forms of shared hosting.
Shared hosting services that provide a domain name (, often called a virtual server, generally are not free. These services also provide improved development facilities, like your own cgi-bin directory, statistical reports on site traffic, shopping cart facilities, and other useful features. The costs for virtual server accounts on a shared system usually start around $20 or more per month.
However, costs vary greatly and the more bandwidth your site consumes or the more special requests you have, the higher it may cost—even if the machine is not dedicated to you. In fact, with complex shared hosting services, where you may have access to content management systems or e-commerce facilities, the cost can literally skyrocket to hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month.
The major downside of shared Web hosting is that it involves using the shared server facilities of a hosting vendor. This means that the site will share Web server resources and bandwidth with other hosted sites. Server responsiveness may be significantly affected because of other hosted Web sites, particularly if those sites become popular.
Further, many customers are wary of sharing a server with others, because security often cannot be guaranteed on these shared systems. Despite its drawbacks, shared hosting is very popular—mainly due to price.
Dedicated servers tend to be more expensive. There are two forms of dedicated server hosting. The first is where the outsource vendor owns and maintains the equipment. This may be called fully managed or dedicated hosting. The other is where you own and may even be responsible for maintaining your server.
This is usually called co-location. With co-location, the vendor provides space at their facility, electrical power, a network connection, a certain amount of bandwidth, and very limited system management for your server (like rebooting it if it crashes or maybe doing tape backups).
Co-location is generally cheaper than fully managed services, but for those who don’t want to be bothered with the details of Web site delivery, co-location is not as great of a deal as it might seem. Dedicated hosting solutions are very attractive to those who want control, security, and power, but don’t want to deal with many of the day-to-day issues of running a Web server.
The major downside of these solutions is price. Services provided by top-tier vendors might run many thousands of dollars per month—the amount dependent on the equipment and bandwidth required, as well as any services added, such as security monitoring or sophisticated hosting requirements like mirroring a site at multiple locations.
However, if a business really relies on robust fast Web site delivery, many of these vendors are a bargain, even at what appears to be a high price. Think of the actual cost of maintaining a telephone company-grade equipment room filled with servers connected to numerous Internet providers being monitored twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week by capable system and network administrators— you’ll see that the cost may be well worth it. When you consider that some of the largest sites
The serving of a site to an e-business is as critical as power and telephone services would be to a traditional business. This trend might be termed the “utilization” of the Web, as some may consider the health and delivery of their Web site as important as other utilities like water and power.
However, given that the site must be run in a very efficient and reliable manner, firms quickly discover that it is in fact quite expensive for companies to develop in-house the talents and facilities to run a mission-critical Web site.
Therefore, many firms have decided to outsource their Web facilities. Web server outsourcing comes in many flavors, but many of the differences revolve around two factors. The first differentiating factor is whether your site is sharing a machine with other sites.
The second is whether or not the machine being used is owned and managed by you or the outsource vendor. Each type of service will be discussed in turn, with special focus on their pros and cons.
Shared Hosting
The most basic form of web site hosting, shared hosting, ranges from free Web space added to other services or in exchange for advertisement placement to high-end application service providers (ASPs). At the low end, many Internet service providers will provide a directory on one of their Web servers with a few megabytes of disk space and possibly access to a few shared tools that can be used on your Web site, such as simple formhandling scripts, counters, or message boards.Usually, the URL for a site like this is of the form or The hosting service lacks any customization like your domain name (, and it may impose limits on traffic delivered or programming tools that can be used. The upside to these types of services is that they are often free or may be included in the cost of your Internet connection.
There are also many vendors who will provide free Web serving in exchange for personal information for marketing purposes, or if you agree to show banner advertisements, they book on your Web site. While these services are appealing to home users or those looking to put up a site for fun, most will prefer other forms of shared hosting.
Shared hosting services that provide a domain name (, often called a virtual server, generally are not free. These services also provide improved development facilities, like your own cgi-bin directory, statistical reports on site traffic, shopping cart facilities, and other useful features. The costs for virtual server accounts on a shared system usually start around $20 or more per month.
However, costs vary greatly and the more bandwidth your site consumes or the more special requests you have, the higher it may cost—even if the machine is not dedicated to you. In fact, with complex shared hosting services, where you may have access to content management systems or e-commerce facilities, the cost can literally skyrocket to hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month.
The major downside of shared Web hosting is that it involves using the shared server facilities of a hosting vendor. This means that the site will share Web server resources and bandwidth with other hosted sites. Server responsiveness may be significantly affected because of other hosted Web sites, particularly if those sites become popular.
Further, many customers are wary of sharing a server with others, because security often cannot be guaranteed on these shared systems. Despite its drawbacks, shared hosting is very popular—mainly due to price.
Dedicated Hosting
Because of the downside of sharing a server with others—most notably security and control—many people opt to use a dedicated server. Dedicated servers are advantageous because you can customize your server with whatever tools or programs you like, and you are not affected by other sites as much. However, the trade-off is cost.Dedicated servers tend to be more expensive. There are two forms of dedicated server hosting. The first is where the outsource vendor owns and maintains the equipment. This may be called fully managed or dedicated hosting. The other is where you own and may even be responsible for maintaining your server.
This is usually called co-location. With co-location, the vendor provides space at their facility, electrical power, a network connection, a certain amount of bandwidth, and very limited system management for your server (like rebooting it if it crashes or maybe doing tape backups).
Co-location is generally cheaper than fully managed services, but for those who don’t want to be bothered with the details of Web site delivery, co-location is not as great of a deal as it might seem. Dedicated hosting solutions are very attractive to those who want control, security, and power, but don’t want to deal with many of the day-to-day issues of running a Web server.
The major downside of these solutions is price. Services provided by top-tier vendors might run many thousands of dollars per month—the amount dependent on the equipment and bandwidth required, as well as any services added, such as security monitoring or sophisticated hosting requirements like mirroring a site at multiple locations.
However, if a business really relies on robust fast Web site delivery, many of these vendors are a bargain, even at what appears to be a high price. Think of the actual cost of maintaining a telephone company-grade equipment room filled with servers connected to numerous Internet providers being monitored twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week by capable system and network administrators— you’ll see that the cost may be well worth it. When you consider that some of the largest sites
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Paid vs. Free Directories
The free versus paid debate is one that has hit every aspect of the Internet and Internet technologies at one time or another. There was worry about free web hosting versus paid web hosting, and fret over free e-mail versus paid.
In both cases, whether free or paid is better for you turns out to depend on your specific needs. The same is true of the debate over free versus paid directory listings. Many experts will argue that free directory listings have nothing of value listed in them. This is simply not true.
Some free directories are actually very strict about the listings that are included in their results. Similarly, most users believe that paid directories automatically equate to better-quality sites. Again, not true. Paid directories can be just as lax about the review process as any other directory.
In short, whether you use paid or free directory listings shouldn’t depend on cost alone. What matters when you’re selecting a directory in which to list your site is how relevant the directory is to your site. After relevance, the next consideration is the quality of the sites that are listed in the directory.
If a directory you’ve selected is full of outdated sites, spam sites, or miscategorized sites, it’s clearly not the best place to list your web site. One more element to consider when choosing directories is the audience that’s most likely to use the directory. The company should be able to provide a typical audience profile for you if you can’t tell by looking at the types of sites listed in the directory.
Going back to a principle you’ve heard often, your site should be created with the user in mind. The same is true for listing your site. It will be pointless to list your site in a directory of law-based web sites if your site is about home and family topics and products. Audience first. After that, everything will fall into place.
Creating an SEO strategy for your web site requires more than just choosing what search engines and directories it should appear in. Another consideration is where and how your site should be listed geographically. Geo-targeting is a method of targeting specific traffic for your web site based on the geographical location of your business.
In both cases, whether free or paid is better for you turns out to depend on your specific needs. The same is true of the debate over free versus paid directory listings. Many experts will argue that free directory listings have nothing of value listed in them. This is simply not true.
Some free directories are actually very strict about the listings that are included in their results. Similarly, most users believe that paid directories automatically equate to better-quality sites. Again, not true. Paid directories can be just as lax about the review process as any other directory.
In short, whether you use paid or free directory listings shouldn’t depend on cost alone. What matters when you’re selecting a directory in which to list your site is how relevant the directory is to your site. After relevance, the next consideration is the quality of the sites that are listed in the directory.
If a directory you’ve selected is full of outdated sites, spam sites, or miscategorized sites, it’s clearly not the best place to list your web site. One more element to consider when choosing directories is the audience that’s most likely to use the directory. The company should be able to provide a typical audience profile for you if you can’t tell by looking at the types of sites listed in the directory.
Going back to a principle you’ve heard often, your site should be created with the user in mind. The same is true for listing your site. It will be pointless to list your site in a directory of law-based web sites if your site is about home and family topics and products. Audience first. After that, everything will fall into place.
Creating an SEO strategy for your web site requires more than just choosing what search engines and directories it should appear in. Another consideration is where and how your site should be listed geographically. Geo-targeting is a method of targeting specific traffic for your web site based on the geographical location of your business.
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