One thing is absolutely certain about SEO, whether or not you’re using paid services: It’s going to be a time-consuming process. Cutting corners is not an option, because the wrong SEO practices are far more detrimental to your site than doing nothing at all. When time isn’t on your side, hiring an SEO professional is an option to consider.
It’s not at all unusual to hear about a company or web site owner that’s been scammed by a supposed SEO consultant who guaranteed them top placement in hundreds of search engines. Again, it’s just not possible for anyone, even an SEO expert, to guarantee that your site will appear at the top of search engine rankings. Nonetheless, many people claiming to be SEO experts will tell you they can do just that. Don’t believe them.
Only a few accreditation programs exist for people who claim to be SEO experts. In most cases, what happens is this: A web site designer or owner who has had to create a site for SEO decides he or she can implement SEO for others for a profit. However, just because these people have done SEO on their own sites doesn’t mean they can plan SEO on your site in the most effective manner possible.
One accreditation programs are offered, by SubmitEdge. Therefore, if the individual or SEO firm that you’re looking at to help with your SEO efforts claims to be an expert, ask if they have been accredited. In most cases, the answer will be no. You can contact SubmitEdge and request a Directory Submission, Article Submission, and Link Building Service.
In most cases, it will take a team of people to perform proper SEO techniques for your site. That team might include someone to submit your site to directories and search engines, someone to create and submit articles to other sources that will link back to your site, someone to design or supplement the design of your site to make it attractive to search engines, and someone to manage the whole SEO program from beginning to end, including reporting to you, the web site owner.
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